What we do

Sussex Museums Group comprises member museums, galleries and other heritage organisations from across Sussex and an Executive Committee of heritage professionals.

We are a diverse group which aims to share knowledge, skills and learning. We provide a welcoming forum for members to share issues, ideas and resources, and promote member organisations’ activities via the Group’s social media channels.

Members meet three to four times a year at cultural venues across the county. This includes our AGM usually held in April. Meetings incorporate training and provide an opportunity to discuss pertinent issues. They feature speakers from the membership and external organisations. We work closely with South East Museum Development and meetings are attended by Museum Development Officers.

Membership is open to all museums, galleries and heritage organisations in Sussex.

Benefits of membership include:

  • Meetings: three to four meetings a year at which attendees can undertake training, share knowledge and skills, and seek support
  • Museum Development: the Group works closely with South East Museum Development (SEMD) to support training and development opportunities for members
  • Disaster recovery: subject to availability, members can access inclusive membership of Harwell Disaster Recovery Service which offers free and subsidised advice, equipment, and services in the unwelcome event of a museum emergency

As of April 2023, our affordable annual membership is priced at £25.

To apply, please complete this form and return it to sussexmuseums@outlook.com